My name is Mathilde Davan and I am second year student at Dawson College in Interactive Media Arts.
Click here for the site.
For me, reading is a way to disconnect with the world and put me in a good mood. I especially like fantasy books and sci-fi. Unfortunatly, I don't read much classics so it doesn't help me much for class...
Here is the link to the program I made.
I started to learn the basics of progration a few years ago with my father but didn't have time to learn much because I had too little time. I think I really started to do interesting things this year in java script thanks to one of my courses at Dawson. I learned to use p5.js to create nice visuals with JavaScript. I really enjoy that and for every project I can stay hours watching tutorials and trying out new things! I am also working on how to smoothly integrate some of my projectss into websites (it's not perfect yet but I'm starting to get the hang of it.)